Milk packet manufacturer West Bengal

If you want to reap all the health benefits offered by fresh milk, make sure you store it properly. Not only should you buy milk supplied in high-quality milk packets but also follow a few guidelines to keep the liquid delicious and fresh. Some people think that storing it in the coolest part of your fridge will keep it fresh and healthy. It is a myth you should debunk and know the right temperature to store milk and other dairy products. The tips stated below will keep the milk delicious and safe if you consume them after a few days.

Few Tips To Keep Milk Fresh For A Longer Period

  • Freeze It

Some tend people to throw away the milk packet because it has come close to its use-by date and people assume that it is not safe for consumption. If you are one of them, stop throwing away the milk packet and freeze it instead. Take a look at the packet and if you notice that it has not yet passed its use-by date, put it in the freezer right away. If there isn’t sufficient space in the freezer, put it in the ice-cube tray. If you are putting the milk in its original container, make sure it isn’t leaking.

  • Use Quality Milk Packets

You will have better peace of milk if you buy milk from a reputable supplier. They value their reputation and source containers from reputable milk packet manufacturers in West Bengal. Milk stays fresh for a longer period if stored in quality packets. Generally, the plastic is three-layered with a thickness of 60 microns. The advanced laminated films provide high-quality retention without tears or breakage. They are also safe in terms of contamination and pilferage.

  • Know The Right Temperature

If you don’t want to freeze the milk, you can also put the milk packet in the refrigerator but you should know the right temperature. 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit is considered the ideal temperature for storing milk. If you fail to maintain this temperature, the milk will lose its freshness within 1-2 days. It will also not be safe for consumption. You should also avoid putting the milk packet in the refrigerator door as it will expose it to fluctuating temperatures.

These been said, it’s time you follow the tips stated above and you can easily keep milk fresh for days.

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