Best packaging manufacturer in West Bengal

The anti-static film is a single layer of non-amide polyethylene. It is a non-corrosive film that protects static sensitive materials like electronic goods. The main function of the film is to protect the packaging from the internal generation of static electricity. 

Static produces serious problems in different industrial units and production places. This is why the manufacturers utilise anti-static packaging to form a protective cover on the good. Hence, it helps mitigate product damages and safety issues. 

What is the Anti-Static Film? 

It comes in different forms. However, the benefit is obvious. Its purpose is to resist static by determining the type of anti-stat for the products. While the common packaging materials vary from bagging to stretch film and tubing, the anti-static films are useful for another purpose. It prevents the build-up and discharge of static current, otherwise damaging the good. Besides, it helps manage the cost of packaging. 

What are the Applications? 

You can use anti-static films for various purposes. 

  1. It serves well for various pharmaceutical applications.
  2. Packing static sensitive components, where the problem is electrostatic contamination.
  3. Packaging electronic goods
  4. Packing explosive powders and critical applications. The materials usually have low electrical resistance, allowing electrons to flow easily.
  5. Pack protective devices, components, metal parts, chemicals, etc.

Using Anti Static Films to Pack Electronic Goods  

Anti-static films are one of the best packaging materials to parcel electronic goods. You can use it to pack components of the computer and other appliances. If you do not do it, there are high chances that the product will damage due to importunate static discharge. 

When you fail to do it, it negatively impacts the brand. Anti-static packaging enhances the customer experience when you do not deliver damaged goods to them.

Anti-static packaging creates the option of customisation. This is how the companies provide 100% customer satisfaction to all. 

It is necessary to maintain a static-free environment by using anti-static films. This is critical while storing and transporting goods. While attempting to stop the damage of delicate electronic goods, you should keep them away from a volatile environment. You have to take steps to prevent static discharge from potential charged items. It is possible only after using the anti-static films. 

Consult the experts at BD Infra for high-quality anti-static film packaging. Visit the website to know more.


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